Dasol Fulvimax Liquid

• Fulvimax, provides excellent rooting.
• Fulvimax, due to low pH (2pH), can mix with any kind of pesticide and does not make residues and sediments.
• Fulvimax, can be easily mixed with pesticides and fertilizers and increases the effect of the peticides because it balances the pH and.
• Fulvimax, derived from vegetable sources, works on both the soil and the plant in this respect…
• Fulvimax, plays an active role in the transport of plant nutrients in the soil and in the plant.
• Fulvimax, distinguishes itself by its high fulvic acid content.
• Fulvimax, provides chlorophyll formation, allowing plants to have a greener color.
• Fulvimax, increases photosynthesis and increases efficiency.
• Fulvimax, increases the amount of sugar in fruits and vegetables.
• Fulvimax, provides quality fruit formation.
• Fulvimax, increases in plant respiration and protein synthesis.