Dasol Radixol

• Dasol Radixol prevents the root diseases of nematodes and some pathogens (corky root, Pythium, phytophthora) also repair diseases of high soil pH and EC (salinity), especially starting from seedling period.
• Dasol Radixol, phosphoric acid and ammonium are used to activate the cytokinin hormones during the seedling development period, so it balances plant structure.
• Dasol Radixol, improve root structure, allows the plant to be stronger, making it less affected by troubled soil structure and harmful factors.
• Dasol Radixol, auxin hormones in the plant provide vegetative growth, stem and leaf development and cytokinin hormones, genetic development, flower and fruit development.
• Dasol Radixol provides this hormonal balance to create the desired plant structure, high yield and high-quality product are obtains.
• It improves the soil structure in the root zone of the plant. Accelerates chemical reactions to the soil, facilitating the uptake of nutrients in the soil by the plant.