Dasol Fulvat Zn

DASOL Fulvate-Zn is a form of SP complexed with fulvic acid (a completely soluble powder in water) it provides growth, resistance and survival of leaves.
DASOL Fulvate-Zn it prevents rosette formation in fruit trees. It solves the chlorosis problem.
DASOL Fulvate-Zn supports root growth.
DASOL Fulvate-Zn activates the enzymes necessary for the plant. It is effective in the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA). In zinc deficiency, the amounts of RNA and ribosomes decrease rapidly. Decreased RNA synthesis in the cell significantly inhibits protein formation.
DASOL Fulvate-Zn gives strength against cold and frost. Provides resistance to fungal diseases. Prevents flower spilling and makes flowers more vivid.
DASOL Fulvate-Zn accelerates fertilization and improves quality by providing earliness.